Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I can pee pee all by myself!

When Caden was about two years old I decided to potty train him. Fortunately for me; it was a very easy task. I simply threw several cheerios into the potty and told Caden to sink them. Obviously, for a tiny child, the thought of dousing cereal with human pee was a wonderful thing...and wha-la....he was potty trained!
I have always heard that boys can be more difficult to train than girls. If you know my second child at all....then you would understand my concern. I have also always heard that it is your second child that will give you your gray hair and be the child to test your every word.....this is CORRECT when it comes to my adorable Brax-man!

It started early....oh, say maybe a year old....when Braxton started dipping toys or his hands in the potty. While I know some of you are thinking...duh...why not use baby locks? Well, remember what I said about my child! He can figure out any and all child locks we have ever used. Therefore, the potty became a lovely past time for play. As many times that I had steered him in the opposite direction, scolded, etc....he keeps going back for more!
Therefore, I decided....why not potty train him? Granted the task of trying to teach a 17 month old the skill of peeing and pooping in the potty can be a bit daunting for some; I figured if he LOVES the toilet that much...then he may take a liking to it!

Much to my surprise we had an inch of snow this past week. And as you all know in inch of snow equals a week of of school. This was my chance!

I stole the opportunity to let him play...while sitting on the potty! And the result has ended in five days on non-stop pee-peeing and pooping in a big boy potty! At first he would climb on and off like an animal does when they try to find the perfect spot or position.
Then he will grunt very loudly while staring down at his little helper waiting for his pee pee to come out! This is very ammusing for a mother to watch. When he is done he looks up and claps and then says in the cutest voice ever.., "PEEPER". And he will hold his hands out for a square of toilet paper.

Needless to say...he is still my tiny 17 month old baby.....and I will not be taking the diapers aways immediately....but his love of the potty sure does impress many! I am a proud proud mommy! And is the little things. :)

Someday....I may even let his girlfriend see his early accomplishments!

Brax-Man......16.5 months old

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Frosty the Snowman!

Today was a good day! While Daddy was at work we decided to build Frosty the Snowman! The boys loved the snow as usual! Braxton loved to eat it! The only thing missing from a wonderful day playing in the snow was Daddy! We missed you today!

The gift of giving.....

Today Caden asked me if he had alot of money. My response was that money should never be an issue and that as long as people have lots of love then that essentially is all that matters. He looked at me funny and then said, "But mommy, my love wont buy you, daddy, and Braxton a Christmas present". My heart smiled as I realized instantly that my sweet sweet baby was now growing up and becoming a thoughtful and loving little boy. My goal of instilling the the gift of giving in him was successful! We then decided to empty his piggy banks and take them to the nearest Kroger to cash in the coins to see what kind of dough he really did have. And let me tell ya.....I now know where the bank

After we went to Kroger I took him shopping so that he could buy a Christmas gift for his daddy and little brother. He was so proud as he looked at the different items. Thinking about each one independently for his recipient. He picked an adorable tricycle for his brother and a flashlight and a wonderfully stinky bottle of cologne for his daddy. I did not give my input as these gifts are straight from the heart of a 6 yr old little boy. Caden then decided that he had enough money to buy both sets of grandparents something as well as my mother's dog Sasha a stuffed reindeer.

As we were standing in line to pay he had a sad/ pleased look on his face. The cashier told Caden his total and then I helped him count out his money. As he handed the young man his bills; he looked at me and said with a shrug...."Man, I'm glad that's over with"! :)

I am so proud of my big boy for learning the value of a dollar and beginning the important process of learning a life lesson about the gift of giving! His father and I have worked very hard to teach him that giving can be just as enjoyable as getting. I can only imagine what that bottle of cologne smells like and will assume that his daddy will love it with all his heart; just because it is what--an innocent gift from the heart of a child!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The wonders of my life~

Ever since I can remember I had always dreamed of being a mother. What would it feel like to be called mommy? What would my children look like? Who would I marry? Such simple questions as a child gave me hours of daydreaming opportunities. I dreamed of getting married and living happily ever after in a home with lots of kids and a perfectly tidy house with a white picket fence.

It amazes me how God knows exactly what each of us need. I did marry the love of my life. And yes indeed, God graced us with two amazing, healthy, and wonderful.....little boys. Now; did I mention in the beginning that in my dream I had dainty and well trained little girls? Girls who wore perfectly groomed pig tails and never had a spot of dirt on them.

Don't get me wrong; I absolutely adore my boys. They are the other two miniature loves of my life aside from Jason. They are the sole purpose for this blog. They are our "Little Men". They are the reason for my many belly laughs each day; the reason that I often fall asleep well before 9pm each night; the reason why my house is always in disarray; and the reason for my entire existence. Because of them; I have found my purpose. My niche in life. My happiness.

I have decided to try very hard to document and blog about my life with my little men so that I may share the joys and hilarious events of life with these two amazing kids. All bets are off and anything can be expected. These children share my humorous, yet, mischievous personality and keep my husband and I on our toes each and every day. There are a thousand and one comments or memories that I hope to remember. Little things they say or do. Moments that I want to hold onto forever in a time capsule so that when they are older and I am old and feeble....I can pull them out and take a stroll down memory lane. Reliving these wonderful times over and over. This is my reason. Enjoy!